Pastor Esau Banda +265 995 297 565

No Obstacles, No Success

  • 23.06.24

Obstacles are part of the journey of life. Every person who has succeeded in life first had to overcome some obstacles. For instance, Abraham and Sarah overcame barrenness to have their Isaac (Genesis 21:1-6); Isaac and Rebekah had to overcome barrenness to have Esau and Jacob (Genesis 24:60; 25:20-27). What testimony are you looking for? Is it, marital breakthroughs, healing, ministry success, work place promotion, academic success or business excellence? Well, the way to get any such testimonies is to overcome hurdles. No one scales heights without knocking down obstacles. Therefore, that sickness in your body is bowing today. That financial bondage is going down right now. Some of you are victims of delays, stagnation and near success syndrome. But today is your day of freedom. Nothing shall stop you. It is well with you. No more shall you eat the bread of sorrow. The same God who helped Joseph in Egypt will help you. Yes, He who helped Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, shall help you in life. They were expecting you to go down, but they will see you going up. They were hoping to see you fail, but their eyes shall see you succeeding in grand style. However, for you to overcome obstacles of life, you must be fearless. If you want to register victory against the opposition, never allow fear to register in your heart. No matter what happens, never entertain fear in your life. Until you are through with your fear, you can never breakthrough to the next level. Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever” (Exodus 14:13). If you want to see victory, God should not see fear in you. You must be bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1).

Your Prayer Today

Every challenge rising against me, is destroyed right now, in Jesus mighty name!