Pastor Esau Banda +265 995 297 565

Faithful Preachers of the Gospel

  • 25.06.24

To be faithful means to be constant, to be loyal, to be unchanging or to be the same. And God wants us to be faithful with the message of salvation. We must go all out to preach it, wherever we are. According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust. And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. 1 Timothy 1:11?-?12 NKJV God has entrusted us with the glorious gospel of salvation which must be preached uncompromisingly. We must treat it as our main business as believers. The rest of the other commitments such as singing, sanctuary keeping, protocol and hospitality should come second. Our core business is evangelism. Unfortunately, many Christians and church leaders are not faithful with the gospel. They have concentrated more on self-enrichment, self-development and other forms of success and prosperity and nothing much on soul winning. However, we must remember that Christ Jesus died on the cross to save us from sins. If it was not for this purpose, He would not have died in the first place. As such, we all must commit to declaring the gospel to the lost and compel them to come to Christ. Beloved, let us stop deceiving ourselves. There is only one thing that really matters before God - the salvation of souls. Yes, you must take soul winning as your greatest challenge in life. If all you are doing is to achieve the rest, minus soul winning, you are a failure and a big disappointment to God.

Your Prayer Today

Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel (1Corinthians 9:16).